Improving health and well-being on campus
- Built upon a bespoke digital platform that enables universities to track and improve student and staff health and wellbeing
- Comprised of thirty world experts in student health make the programme an unprecedented global network for universities to share knowledge, expertise, and best practices and insights
- Looks at student health with a holistic view on fitness, mental health, nutrition, social responsibility sustainability
Proposed and developed by the International University Sports Federation, the FISU Healthy Campus programme aims to enhance all aspects of well-being for students and the campus community at large. Looking to reverse the well-established trend of young adults compromising their health during their academic careers, the initiative is already having a positive impact on the lives and lifestyles of university students around the world.
The programme holds steadfast to the belief that universities should be an enabling environment, a gateway encouraging its attendees to practice a healthy and sustainable lifestyle where access and opportunity in the areas of physical activity, health and nutrition are a daily part of campus life.
Since FISU’s founding in 1949, the Federation has been a key driver to expand the role and reach of university sports worldwide. Best known for its sporting and educational events, the Healthy Campus programme helps expand FISU’s social responsibility to reach a larger number of students, schools, and university employees.
To cater to the diverse demands of students and staff, the programme has established a cross-cutting approach that includes not only physical activity but also healthy campus management, mental and social health, nutrition, disease prevention, risk behaviour, environment, social responsibility and sustainability.
With the Healthy Campus programme, universities embed concrete health and wellness resources into all aspects of campus life and culture.

How universities can register and participate in the FISU Healthy Campus project
Universities can access the conditions of participation and a detailed description of the project through the dedicated FISU Healthy Campus website. This bespoke digital platform brings FISU, universities and the Healthy Campus standards together in one place. Join the FISU Healthy Campus Label by creating an account on to access criteria, submit evidence and track your progress to obtain this prestigious distinction.
For more information, please contact
Why Universities should sign up?
The 5 top reasons:
- Learn best practices from major universities around the world
- Encourage cohesion and coordination among all departments and services
- Improve the image and credibility of the University with a certified international label
- Put a stop to “drop out” trends and help students love campus life
- Work towards UN SDGs in an organised manner and get into leading university rankings