The Federation of Africa University Sports (FASU) is the governing body of university sport in Africa. It was funded in 1971 by 10 African countries to improve the development of sports in African universities.
- Associate member of FISU since: 2007
- Number of regional associations (FASU Zones): 5 (FASU-North, WAUG, FASU Central, EAUSF, CUCSA)
The General Assembly is the supreme governing body of FASU with the sole authority to determine and control the general policy of FASU. It ordinarily meets once every two years
The Executive Committee consists of 7 members elected for 4 years by the General Assembly, the Presidents of the FASU Zones and the immediate past president as an ex-official.
List of permanent committees
- Competitions’ Supervision and Control Committee
- Committee for Education and Development of university sports
- Technical and Sports Regulation Committee
- Committee for Marketing, Strategic Partnership, Media and Communication
- Legal and Disciplinary Committee
- Medical Committee
- Finance Committee
- Committee for Gender Equity and female sports development
- Students Committee
- Steering Committee
Events and activities
- FASU Games, held every 2 years (even years) with participation of national teams
- FASU Championships, held every 2 years (odd Years) with participation of individual universities
- FASU Pre-Games Scientific Conference, organised on the sidelines of the FASU Games
- Secretary Generals’ and Student Leaders’ Seminar, held every two years
- Various Zonal Games, organised every two years
Members of the Executive Committee
- President: Dr. Sobhy Ashraf (EGY)
- First Vice President: Ms. Tsitsi Muzuva (ZIM)
- Second Vice President: Mr. Ahshad Tariq (LBA)
- Secretary General: Ms. Penninah Kabenge Aligawesa (UGA)
- Treasurer: Mr. Alfred Rono Kibet (KEN)
- Internal Auditor: Ms. Ezeani Chidiebere (NGR)
- Student Representative: Mr. Aupal Emmanuel (UGA)
Federation of Africa University Sports
The Secretariat
PO Box 1557
Kampala, Uganda
+256 772 403086